Goethestrasse 8
Duesseldorf, Zooviertel
This block infill is located in Düsseldorf’s popular Zooviertel district, is on a quiet residential side street lined with noble and lush front yards. Unusually, the parcel is twice as wide as those otherwise lining the street. Sitting atop a base made from Grauwacke and lime stone, the magnolia-white plaster façade, with its classical detailing echoes the buildings of Düsseldorf’s Carlstadt, as well as the bourgeois residences found in its immediate surroundings. Bay windows and loggias mediate between the unusual width of the façade and the scale of adjacent houses. The balustraded eaves reflect that scale as well, whilst the two small gabled pavilions and the ornamental main gable elevate the building and provide vast rooftop terraces with grandiose views of the city. The program includes 9 apartments with a diverse range of plan arrangements, including two duplexes, with a garden each, and one penthouse.
Type: Apartment building Gross floor area: 2.390 m² Status: in planning Client: Ralf Schmitz GmbH Year: 2023–